grep commands

This is powerful command while searching an string/pattern with regular expression on the file

To display searched lines with case sensitive

Display matched line only 

grep –i “hello” test.txt

To display the searched lines contains with between words.

grep “hello.*empty” test.txt

To display the searched lines contains matched word with case sensitive.

grep -iw “hello” test.txt

To display lines after/before the lines contains matched words, -A,-B,-C

grep -A 2 –I “hello” test.txt

grep –B 2 –I “hello” test.txt

grep –C 2 –I “hello” test.txt

To search matched word in the current directory and its sub directory in recursively.

grep -r “ramesh” test.txt

To search invert match of word in the file

grep –v “hello” test.txt

Invert math with multiple search

grep –v –e “hello” –e “word” test.txt

To find lines count contains the matched word

grep -c “je” test.txt

To find the lines count not contains the matched word

grep –v –c “hi” test.txt

To find the list of files contains the matched word

grep –l “hello” demo_*

To find the matched string of pattern

grep –o “this.*line” test.txt

To show position of matched string in the file

grep –o –p “3” test.txt

To show line number of line contains the matched string

grep –n “hello” test.txt

To find number of occurrences’ of the given word in the file

grep –ow “hello” test.txt | wc –l

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